Yoga Menu

Yoga classes can be intimidating, the shapes can seem mad and the instructions often mystifying, and usually you have 0.01 seconds to set an intention, but it is a practice, you cannot expect to be good at anything straight away, so try it out, more than once and see where it takes you!

I offer a space for grounding, always beginning my classes with meditation, allowing you the chance to practice being still. I give plenty of options within my sequences with clear instructions to explore how the poses work in your body.

  • Vinyasa

    Vinyasa means ‘to place in a special way.’ A vinyasa class involves a sequence of poses linked together by breath and transitions. They are designed to generate heat in the body and to guide you into a flow-state of meditative breathing. My classes are energetic and fun.

  • The Rocket

    Rocket “get’s you there faster” Larry Schultz created the Rocket routine based on the modifications of Ashtanga’s Primary and Intermediate series. The Rocket renews energy and vitality with its strength building dynamic sequences. Larry says “The Rocket is designed to wake up the nervous system and feed it the precious prana it craves while promoting a spirit of change and freedom in the practice”

  • Stretch, Strength & Mobility

    You cannot have mobility without strentgh work. Encourage your range of mobility, stabilise your joints and improve body health, minimising the chance of injury.

  • Yin

    Yin is the the opposite of Rocket Vinyasa. Think Yin & Yang, moon & sun, cool & hot. Where Yang practicing use heat and dynamic movement to stimulate energy and vitality, Yin yoga is an introspective cooling practice designed to ground you, allowing you to meditate deeper within the poses. Deep long held floor based stretches that keep you aware of the body and its sensations.